Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Matthew 5

Living hall

It's the late hour now. I feel the struggle to think of finishing this chapter. I need God to help me to pull through. I need a strong spiritual stamina to keep up.

The sermons of Jesus on the mountainside is truly an experience for those people at that time. I noticed Jesus put up with a lot of illustrations to show a close relation of the everyday lives. Who would have such wisdom in teaching like Jessu? His teaching is so permissable and can assimilate the very thoughts of the His audience. The way He spoke is very simplified, but deep and it's not shallow nor a hollow words. Each statement in His words carried weight. Most of the teaching are of much a shock instead of the usual norm. It was thought provoking for the people to ponder. It was way extreme for some others to accept.

Now... the trouble with most of the audience, even myself included at this point of time, is very much much like very comfortable in our own position, our own thoughts of life, and our own philosophy of life. Our ears, our hearts, our minds can never tolerate comfortably. We are still afraid of rocking the boats. We want the easy paths to walk on. In other words, we don't want to change much or even at all.
However, we may choose to be ignorant but what gain we have if we continue to live such comfortable way?

Are we not, as disciples, suppose to rise up to the occasions? To challenge the thoughts of comfortness in this 21st century? Are we not suppose to drive in the very point of how we ought to live a life pleasing to God? Are we not suppose to reach out to others and show the world what it takes to be radical in every ways?

Are we not?


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Matthew 4

Living hall

I wrote:

During the temptation, Jesus can be seen quoting from the Scriptures to overcome the temptation and couter-attack the devil's words.

The first step to repentance is to counter-attack with Scriptures. Make effort to memorize and store it within your heart and mind and hold it firmly.
Overcome your needs and wants, even if it seems innocent, that may lead you away from God.
Overcome your testing and bargaining with God because you are acting selfishly before God.
Overcome your pride and submit before to God in full humility.

Like John the Baptist, Jesus also preached the same message of repentance because He knew this is what the people have to see and realise it.
However, it dawned to me whether could this message of Jesus truly attracted the crowd coming from various places or simply because Jesus could perform miracles and healings?
The people were short-sighted. They seek after temporary pleasure and comfort in physical life, not knowing that their spiritual life is dying slowly in the hand of the devil.
I see Jesus became more passionate and meeting the needs of everyone, trying to remind and teach them what is God's true will.

Today what really caught my attention is that I saw how quickly were the responses of the first 4 disciples of Jesus. They were quick to let go of their jobs and follow Jesus immediately.

How about you?
Are you quick to follow God?


Matthew 3

Sitting on the floor

I wrote:

Q: Why did John reacted so strongly towards the teachers of the Law/the Pharisees/the Sadcheaus?
Maybe this group of people have misled the Israelites, by preaching and practising the tradition of human. Their teaching bear no fruit that pleases God.

i think John must have want to see the fruit of repentance among God's people, knowing they were lost. John must have seen and got tired of seeing how the people offered sacrifices for their sins vainlessly, again and again. These people failed to choose repentance as their path to return back to God and obey His words.

Q: Have you repented? Are you still doing the sacrifices without a tinge of repentance in your thought? Have you been praying to ask God to forgive your sins but yet you still do not want to repent?
It takes a serious toll on my thought and heart at this late hour of the night. I shall keep pondering and reflect on all of how much I have wronged God. Gotta list all down and see what are the areas in my life that needed repentance.

I know one thing for sure: repentance actually will produce fruit.


Matthew 2


I wrote:

Alot of prophesies have been fulfilled concerning and throughout since the birth of Jesus.
1. v5-6,
2. v17-18,
3. v23

Each prophecy took place to confirm the existence of Jesus. God make every possibilities to attend and to in charge of the logistic within His own power to protect Jesus from bring harmed.
Why God wouldn't simply just wipe out Herod and his families in order to smoothen the life of Jesus from being harmed? I feel that God simply allow things to happen in our lives. He followed our history very closely. He blended His wills into our world so that we may come to realization that God is truly among us.

Dreams. God used dreams to tell the person what to do. How I wish that God can speak to us directly through dream and give us guidance what and how we should do better in life. But the irony could be that we may not believe in His words and may even brushed aside. Will it be convincing enough from just a dream from God? But how then worth will be the Bible be convincing to us?

Nevertheless, the Bible will stay true and remain till the time where our hearts will be open to receive more of God's purest intention in having a personal relationship with Him.


Matthew 1

Pudu Ulu park

I wrote:

14 generations - Abraham to David.
14 generations - David to Jeconiah.
14 generations - Jeconiah to Jesus.

Jesus came from a royal descendant - but a fallen dynasty since the exile of the Israelites in the land of Babylon.

Many of Jesus' previous descendants have God's greatest impact. Eg, Rahab, the prostitute who was by faith, helped the Israelites to gain a victory in Jericho, Manasseh the evil king who repented at the end, Josiah the young king who burned for God and desired His laws.

I felt there is a central message for me to ponder; the obedience and turning back to God no matter how wretched I am.

Even Joseph obeyed God's instruction in the dream in order to protect the baby Jesus from being harmed.

As I refected on this passage, I realised how much I have disobeyed God in many areas of my life. It is now my decision to do what is right and to move a notch closer to God each day of my moment in life.



I created this new blog for few reasons:
  1. To move a notch closer to God daily.
  2. To share my passion with others in following God throughout my life.
  3. To have YOU to inspire and spur me on to draw near to God by commenting your thoughts and prayer requests.
  4. To use this as tool to outreach to those who need inspiration, need motivation and to those who are lost in life.
So I would like to encourage you to come back here more often to check or even to keep me accountable so that following God will not be a burden, but a JOY instead!

God bless :)